cant set a volume for a complex cue


im trying to set a ce to start on 40% then go up to 100% and go down to 20%

the next time im trying to "GO" for the cue it starts on 20%.

how can i set the volume to be on 40% every time im launching this cue?

thx Hili

3 replies


Is there a way to set the speed or curve of the volume up/down? 


you will need 4 cues for this:
- first cue ... select desired audio channel, set volume to 40% and Auto Next Cue to Start,
- second cue ... select same audio channel and no other options (this one willl play cue),
- third cue ... select same audio channel and set volume to 100%,
- fourth cue ... select same audio channel and set volume to 20%.

Set GO to first cue. When you will play it, volume will be set to 40% and because Auto Next Cue is set to Start, it will trigger second cue, which will play audio channel. When you will press GO again it will set volume to 100% and so on.



Thanks alot! 
