Apple Music Videos

I’m trying your free IOS version to see if this will fit my needs. One thing I tried to do was load an Apple Music Video in the video section, but it seems as though you cant do that.. I can load it in the audio section no problem... but I want the video to pay out on a screen.. Is there anyway to do this? 

Also I see on your Mac version that you have DMX control for lighting.. I haven’t tried the Mac version out yet as I’m on the road, but is there anyway to have the lights randomly flash and move (if using moving lights) or would I be better of using Luminaire on the iPad? 

1 reply


Apple Music Videos are restricted to play outside Apple Music app. You can play your own videos from Photo library or to load them directly into iMiX16 app.

Yes MiX16 for Mac supports DMX. You can control 512 channels and create scenes. Random sequences are not supported so i would suggest using Luminair which is great app for lighting. Also note that you can trigger Luminair scenes from MiX16 apps (both macOS and iPad).

Regards, Grega