Mix16 Go

I am considering the purchase of Mix16 Pro and have tested Mix16 Go.  A couple of questions arise:

I cannot seem to maximize the screen while inserting and editing cues.  

What is the volume setting for in the Cue editor.  Setting it stop any audio from playing (as opposed to leaving it blank).  Is there a reason for this?

Does the Pro version allow for moving up as well as down a playlist?

When setting the last cue to "end" mode, the playlist goes up to the first cue and plays instead of stopping the project.  

Finally, why is there no manual on the operation of the program?  Searching your forums or submitting requests is a time resource hog.

Thank you in advance!

Stephen Cline

1 reply


let's start with the most important info: MiX16 GO contains all features as MiX16 PRO except opening, saving, importing and exporting projects. So you can really try almost everything before buy. Play with the app, discover menus (View, Tools, Options), etc.

For example if you need full screen "mixed" channels (same window for audio, video and image channels), open Infinite Channels (menu View). Or discover Scriptor, where you can load your script and add triggers into it. So you do not need paper anymore. Read script on screen and trigger channels and/or cues when needed.

Now to your questions:

Playlist window is fixed size and you can not resize it, but you can detach it if you need to see both channels and playlist on the screen. This is how it is and this won't change for now.

Volume setting in Cue editor: you can set audio / video volume for selected channel in cue. When volume is set, selected channel in cue won't play, just its volume will change. For example if you need to play audio channel 1 and then after n seconds you need to change its volume from 100% to 50% you can do this by creating two cues: both cues with same audio channel, first cue without volume setting, second with volume setting. First cue will play audio channel, second cue will only change its volume. Same goes for Stop, sometimes you need to stop cue before audio / video ends. In this case you use Stop setting.

Moving cues up and down and more:
1. right click on cue in playlist to see cue edit options,
2. select cue and use buttons on the right side of playlist to edit cue (move, delete),
3. menu Tools > Playlist Cue Editor...

Auto Next Cue setting (name says it all) will trigger next cue on: Start, Fade Out or End. So if you want last cue to stop the playlist and not trigger first cue, leave this setting to Off.

There is an old version of the user manual, which needs to be updated, so we removed it from here. I am sorry it should be done by now, but we are very bussy with our apps which is more important for now than user manual. So please feel free to ask anything here or via email (info@mix16apps.com). Or you can watch tutorial here: https://mix16apps.helprace.com/i119-mix16-pro-for-macos-tutorial-in-italian-language-with-english-subtitles
