Loading MiX16 PRO file on Intel & Silicon Issue

I have a strange issue and as far as I can see it is down to INTEL vs SILICON. I am running MiX16 PRO on my desktop (M3 Ultra Desktop), creating the playlist etc and all is fine. The files are stored in dropbox folder on the machine. I have also tested with files in another area and am confident that the file path for the audio files is the same.

However if I open the file on my laptop (i9 MBP), where the files appear to be in the same location (both the mix16pro file and the audio files), it fails to load correctly.

It does load the mix16pro file, it has the playlist correctly, it knows what should be in each channel but gives the following error (from the logfile)...

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 "The file couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format."CH 21 /Users/dsimpson/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/theatre show 2024/cleaned/-19- The Rose Step Up Junior Lyrical.m4a
ERROR 10.05.2024 18:23:30 mxAppDelegate openSetup 40 Open project file failed. Wrong content of the file (channels). /Users/dsimpson/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-ROUNDCUBELTD/Projects/Happy Steps/Happy Steps May 2024/Show H1 Silicon.mix16pro
The only way I have managed to get around this is create an INTEL and a SILICON version of the mix16pro file. So if I make a change, I have to change it in two places to keep synced. 
Surely I must be doing something wrong? I cannot find anything to help explain - other than INTEL vs SILICON.
Any help appreciated!

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you can not open projects created on computer A on computer B. Why? System security reasons. Apple calls it Sandboxing. In general it means when app opens a file (in our case audio, video, …) system creates a secure link to it and this link our app saves into project file. On another computer this link is different and that is why opening project fails.

What to do? Simple. You have to export your project (menu File > Export Project) on computer A and import it (menu File > Import Project) on computer B. Difference from Open and Save? When you export your project all media files are stored into one folder with special project info file. When you open this folder on another computer system alloews files to be read by the app.
