output screen default to the main screen

Hi Gregor,

On the new MacBook MIX16 9.0 is not going well. Each time on startup, the output screen is located on the main screen and must be moved to the external screen (projection screen). Did several tests that did not give the desired result. Finally installed MIX16 8.7 and the problem was solved.

Can you help us out with the 9.0 version?

Thanks in advance!


1 reply


version 9.0 has new feature Video Output Window. This is a resizable floating window which can be moved around the screens. When you move it to desired screen you can use system full screen green icon to maximize it. You can turn this feature on / off in Options menu.
This is useful when you have several external displays connected and you want video just on one of them. But yes, floating window always starts on a main screen, you have to manually move it to desired screen.

if you wish to use video output logic like in version 8.7, go to Options menu and tick Video External Displays.
