MiX16 Show Cue for iPadOS, iOS and macOS version 4.3 (March 2025)
What's new in version 4.3
- Added play, pause and stop cue to before and after play and stop cue commands.
- Added chroma key filter to video, image and live input cues (for video cues filter works on macOS only).
- Added option to turn off video capture device in live input cue (play live audio only).
- Added option to send lighting cues DMX data to multiple IP addresses (separate IP addresses with comma).
- Added option to merge lighting cue template with current lighting cue channels setup.
- Added option to set DMX universe for each lighting cue.
- Improved time (fade, duration, etc.) logic. Time can now be entered in hh:mm:ss format as well.
- Improved video cue pause on stop logic.
- Fixed live input cue filter logic.
What's new in version 4.1
- Added system standard keyboard shortcuts for project actions on macOS, for example Cmd + O for Open Project, Cmd + S for Save Project, etc.
- Added stop all sidebar cues command (cue before and after play and stop commands).
- Improved adding multimedia cues - cues are added to playlist in order as they were selected in open dialog window.
- Improved command cue - play / stop sidebar cue (use sidebar cue name).
- Improved lighting discovery mode - tap and hold on channel number to enter new channel number.
- Improved MIDI input commands - added value parameter (optional), enter it manually inside brackets, for example NOTE ON,1, 1, (10-80).
- Improved OSC output functionality - added OSC Automatic Cue Output setting. When enabled, app will automatically send predefined OSC messages for cue play, pause, stop and volume actions.
- Improved audio waveform timeline - more detailed waveform display.
- And as always - other minor bug fixes and improvements under the hood to keep the app the most stable show business app on the market. :)
What's new in version 4.0
BOOM! Version 4.0 is here. :)
- Scriptor - menu Tools (three dots icon) > Scriptor. Write or import (.txt and .rtf file formats are supported) your script and add links to trigger cues, GO, stop all cues, etc. directly from text. Scriptor content is saved with project.
- Video Timeline (enable it in Settings) - when editing video cue timeline, visual timeline of your video will be displayed.
- Lighting Discovery Mode - in lighting cue editor tap (click) on flashlight icon and simply discover lights you need in your lighting cue.
- Lighting Channels Colors - in lighting cue editor tap (click) on palette icon then tap (click) on lighting channel palette icon to color it. When using fixtures, selected color will be applied to all channels in a fixture.
- Lighting Channels Fixture Split View - in lighting channel editor use menu Tools (three dots icon) and first turn off Show All Channels then turn on Fixture Split View. Fixtures will be displayed as groups bellow master and regular channels.
- Custom Open Fixtures - save lighting cue active channels as custom fixtures. Active channels means all channels with names, regardless of channels values.
- DMX channels mapping is now saved to project.
- DMX channels midi input commands are now saved to project.
- Last added Open Fixture Library device is stored for current session and it will be automatically selected when adding new device.
- Long press on big stop button toggles playback mode (single cue or multiple cues playback).
- When lighting blind mode is turned off, last lighting scene used before blind mode will be preserved, regardless changes made during blind mode turned on.
- Other minor improvements under the hood.
- Command cue - loop cues fix (video cues crashed app), stop all cues fix (play next cue did not work).
- Other minor fixes under the hood.
A special thanks to Jernej Rogelj, Blaž Košir and other users for their ideas, suggestions and bugs found.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
What's new in version 3.3
- Added Display Artwork Image option (enable or disable in Settings).
- Added feature to change desired lighting channels for all lighting cues at once.
- User interface improvements.
What's new in version 3.2
- New command cue commands - Play / Stop Cues and Loop Cues.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in version 3.1
- Added big Stop button (enable it in Settings).
- User interface improvements.
- OSC improvements.
- URL scheme improvements.
What's new in version 3.0
- Added tiles view (display cues as playlist, grid and now tiles).
- Added core image filters to video, image and live input cues (color invert, sepia tone, bloom, etc.).
- Disable GO logic improvements (option to add disable/enable GO as a command in each cue).
- User interface improvements.
- Bug fixes.
What's new in version 2.8
- Added disable GO time feature - set time in seconds for how long GO button will be disabled to prevent accidental double clicks (taps).
- Move cue improvements - instead of cue number enter letter F (first) or L (last) to move cue to first or last position in the playlist.
- MIDI bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in version 2.7
- Audio cue - added audio output setting (you can now set output channels when using multi-channel audio device).
- Video cue - fade in fix when volume mode is set to audio.
- Midi cue - output device fix.
What's new in version 2.5
- Bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in version 2.4
- Added lighting master controls.
- Added lighting master logic into volume cue.
- Added lighting blind mode.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
What's new in version 2.3
- Added Sidebar - you can now add cues to sidebar and play them independently of main playlist.
- Added Export Project Info - export playlist and sidebar cues basic information (like name, note, duration, etc.) to csv text file.
- Added Report (by default is disabled, enable it in Settings) - write real-time log of cues playback to csv text file.
- Added Lighting FX cue - apply strobe effect to current active lighting scene.
- Added DMX channels mapping.
- Added DMX channels live display.
- Bug fixes and improvements under the hood.
What's new in version 2.1
- Added functionality to play MIDI files to selected device or soundfont. Use multimedia cue to load MIDI files.
- Added note field to cue user interface. Note is displayed below name.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- This update is especially recommended for users who use a lot of video cues.
What's new in version 2.0
- Added Live Input cue (disabled by default, turn on in Settings).
- Added Timeline Audio Waveform display (disabled by default, turn on in Settings).
- Added Delete Cue button in main toolbar.
- Added View Full Screen button in main toolbar.
- Added Open Fixture Library for Lighting cues (open-fixture-library.org).
- Added advanced logic for adding and removing lighting DMX channels and fixtures (untick Show All Channels in Lighting cue DMX Channels setup window).
- Added logic to enable or disable MIDI Input devices.
- Added additional keyboard triggers (visit www.mix16apps.com support page for more details).
- Bug fixes and improvements.
What’s new in version 1.9
- Audio cues can now be played in perfect sync using command cue (for example Play Cue 1,2,3,4,5).
- Ability to select which current cue settings will be applied to all or selected stopped cues of the same type.
- Show or hide GO button from main screen (menu Tools).
- Show or hide playing cue time in Full Screen View (double tap inside Full Screen View to change).
What’s new in version 1.8
- Added Grid View. Turn it on/off from the Tools menu (top toolbar > circle icon with three dots). You can now display your cues as a playlist or in a grid (as channels).
What’s new in version 1.7
- Added sorting project and template files (sort by file name or date ascending or descending).
- Added DMX channels MIDI input settings (control DMX channels with MIDI controller).
- Added RGB color selector for DMX channels.
- Paste cues after last selected cue or at the end of playlist if no cue is selected.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
What’s new in version 1.6
- Added Text Cue - enter text, choose font, size and color and display text on screen.
- Added Command After Play and Command Before Stop cue settings - run predefined actions after cue play or before cue stop.
- Added Clipboard - copy selected or all cues and paste them into current or any other project.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
What’s new in version 1.5
- Video cue:
- added pause on stop feature.
- Image cue:
- added logic for displaying (playing) animated GIF’s,
- added original size display mode,
- added always on top feature.
- Preview window:
- added full screen mode.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
What’s new in version 1.4
- Set GO to selected cue AUTO mode - GO button is set to selected cue automatically after cue is selected without using SET button. Tap and hold SET button to toggle between normal and auto mode. This feature is saved in app settings.
- SINGLE playback mode - all playing cues will stop when you start next cue with GO button. When single playback mode is active, GO button will display dot in title. Tap and hold STOP button to toggle between normal and single playback mode. This feature is saved in project.
What’s new in version 1.3.2
- Added Selection Color setting.
- Added MIDI Same Input Command Time Limit setting.
- Added 5 custom colors in cue color editor.
What’s new in version 1.3.1
- Important volume cue and command cue bug fixes.
What’s new in version 1.3
- Added playing cue info at the top of the cue list (where project name is displayed).
- Added cue before play and after stop commands.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
What’s new in version 1.2
- Added video and image preview window size setting (small or full screen).
- Added SET GO command (set GO to desired cue).
- Added Edit MIDI and OSC to cue context menu.
- Added MIDI and OSC output script.
- MIDI fixes and improvements.
What’s new in version 1.1
- Changed app name to match MiX16 APPS branding.
- Bug fixes and Improvements.