Play Mode "Play/Pause" does not work in the Playlist Cue

If I configure the Play Mode "Play/Pause" it works fine in the "Video Mode" (press the colored button = pause not stop). It I take this video as a cue in a Playlist, I see as configured the Play/Pause symbol, but if i click on the button, it stop the cue.

How can I make a Pause in a Playlist?

Thanks for your help.


12 replies


cue playlist play button goes red (instead of blue like in channel sections) but Play Pause still works.
Or maybe i don't understand your problem in this case please explain more.
Thank you.



I try it in my bad english...   ;-)

I have configured the "Play/Pause" in one Video Cue. If I Start and Pause the video after this configuration, all works fine as you explain it (with blue button).

But if i start this Cue not directly from from the "Video-Screen", but as Cue in the Playlist-Mode, it works as Start/Stop Cue, not as Start/Pause Cue.    

Not true. I have just re-tested this and it works fine. When you set video channel setting Play Mode to Play/Pause it will play / pause the video wherever you play it - from channel or from cue.

Can you please try it again. Because it works and i don't know how to help more.


Hmmmm... no chance to set the pause in the playlist. The symbol in the playlist is "Start/Pause"  but if press the button, it stops the video and time ist set to 00:00 (Start). Sorry.

I can life with that problem.

Thanks for your help.


are we talking about Cue play button or GO button?
Which model of iPad do you have, which version of iOS and iMiX16 app?

Don't give up just yet, because if it works here it must work everywhere.



Hi Gregor

I have this problem with two MacBooks.

First MB Air: MacOS 10.11.6
Second MB Pro: MacOS 10.12.2
On both device mix16 Pro Version 3.0.5 (5700) is installed.

In the configuration Mode "Video 1-16" it works fine. (After press button, it makes only a pause, after a second click it continues to play at the time of the clip, where i have stop (pause) it.

In the "Playlist" Mode (on the top, right side) the same video stops always. There is no difference, if i start/pause it with the "cue-button" on the left side or with the "Go"-Button opn the buttom right side. At the cue line appears the sign "Play/Pause".


Have a nice day.


Hahaha everything clear now. For some reason i thought you are using iMiX16 app on iPad.
Yes this is a bug in MiX16 PRO app for Mac and i will fix it asap.



Hello Gregor is this problem solved ? 
i try play and pause a video on the playlist but does not work 

Which app and version?


OK, thanks a lot.

With this version of the software, I have still another problem.

At the import of videos it takes not always the right lenght (perhaps 1 of 10 videos). That will say, the video have perhaps a duration of 3m12sec, mix16pro take only a duration of 2:40. After i change it by hand in the configuration to 3:12, it works fine. Unfortunately, i have not take notes, which file format is concerned. If that problem is not known, i can take notes the next time. I had the problem with different videos from different sources. So I think, it is not a problem of the video-files.


What do you mean "After i change it by hand in the configuration"?
Where do you change duration - in channel setup?
If it is possible send me one video where duration is wrong.


update is on the way.


Now it works fine, thanks a lot!

The only little problem is, that the "Stop all" Button on the Playlist Screen doesn't work, it one cue is in pause. If you want quit the application, you must first stop the video directly on the video screen. But that's not a real problem. 


"What do you mean "After i change it by hand in the configuration"?
Where do you change duration - in channel setup?
If it is possible send me one video where duration is wrong."

Now, I have also tested the problem with the duration of the videos. It's is not rellly a bug.

If you replace an existing video with a new version and the duration of this new version ist equal or shorter than the first, it works find. But if the new version is longer, then the programm will keep the shorter duration of the first in the configuration. You have to change the new duration manually.

You can avoidung this problem, when you clear first the cue before you insert the new version of the video.