MIDI Footswitch, don't know how to make this work!

MIDI QUESTION: I have an iPad mini 5th gen running iOS14.2 and iMix16 32 channels. I would like to connect a MIDI footswitch to simply move back and forth on the Playlist and hit the GO button to cue videos, but I am lacking the knowledge to get this working. I would even be happy to hire someone to help me if I need to. I have a couple AirTurn products including the Airturn BT-200|S-6, as well as a Duo (and use them successfully with other programs like forScore). I have gotten the iMix to recognize the pedal,  but how to map the buttons? I cannot figure out how to configure the MIDI page on iMix, as it all looks too foreign to me, I don't understand the terms being used and am Far too lost. Any ideas? I really love this software but cannot find any video tutorials or anything on this aspect of the app.

4 replies


what do you mean with “iMix to recognize the pedal”, do you see MIDI message in the MIDI: field when you press the footswitch? If so please do as follows:
- tap New button to create new MIDI Mapping for your MIDI footswitch,
- select desired action from the table (on the right), for exampe IN: Playlist Go,
- press your MIDI footswitch, MIDI message will be displayed in the MIDI: field,
- tap Assign (green) button,
- MIDI message will be assigned to selected action,
- repeat this steps for desired actions,
- once you are done, tap Save to save your MIDI Mapping.



Hi!  I hit the New button, selected an action, and It shows the BT200s-6 pedal above the MIDI window and inside the window it says "auto learn from MIDI source".

But when I press MIDI footswitch, no message appears in the window so I cannot assign,

(if I go to my forScore app it works, so the iPad is connected for sure)

Oh i see, this is bluetooth switch. In this case it will not work. Bluetooth devices are not supported in iMiX16 apps. Only USB. Sorry.


oh strangely enough, after a few more hours, I did get it to work through bluetooth! I think the problem was that my switch was in the wrong mode, not the midi mode. It is working now.

But curious, how would i connect by USB cable if I am using the apple HDMI adapter, as it only has an HDMI output and a lightning jack for power?  Would I have to use a lightning jack into a hub to be able to break it out into more outputs, or is there another adapter out there?

Being wired would be much safer!

Many thanks

Wow that’s new. Which iOS do you have?

You would need something like this:
But this is for iPads with USB-C. I think there should be lightning alternative out there (not from Apple). Of course you have to be careful what you buy, some cheap adapters do not work well.

I suggest you use BT If you manage to get it working. Do a test run and if it works, you have nothing to worry about. I think your BT switch simply transfers MIDI messages to the iPad as it would be connected via USB. BT just replaces cable in this case if you know what i mean.



it is an iPad mini 5th gen running iOS14.2. The way I got it to work with Bluetooth is by opening up a free app called midimittr. It seems to open up the channels to receive midi into iMix16. I can then close midimittr and the bluetooth keeps working! 

I have noticed that multiport adapter before, but as you say it is for USB-C, and the 6th gen iPad mini uses that, but they did away with the headphone jack on that model, so not sure how I would get the audio seeing as the three multiport outputs would be used up. 

So I will stick with the iPad mini 5,


Now it makes sense. I am familiar with midimittr app. I have used it for some other midi stuff. I would suggest it, but did not know if it will work in your case.

Yes, missing audio jack … i don’t know why did they remove it. I would add two audio jack outputs, not just one or none! This would solve so many problems, for bands, DJs, theatre engineers, etc.

FYI, i am using this product with my iPad:
It works great.
