MiX16 apps for macOS and iPadOS - Built-in default OSC commands

MiX16 apps for macOS version 9.0 or later have a lot of new and also some changed built-in default OSC commands.

Control MiX16 macOS apps from OSC applications

  • /mix16apps/basicinfo - get basic information
  • /mix16apps/fullinfo - get full information
  • /mix16apps/playlist/setgo <cue_number> - set playlist GO button to desired cue number
  • /mix16apps/playlist/go - trigger playlist GO button
  • /mix16apps/playlist/stopall - trigger playlist Stop All Cues button
  • /mix16apps/playlist/prevcue - select playlist previous cue
  • /mix16apps/playlist/nextcue - select playlist next cue
  • /mix16apps/stopall - stop all (playlist, all channels, image slide show and lighting scenes)
  • /mix16apps/reset/playstatus - reset playlist cues and all channels play status (play button default stopped color)
  • /mix16apps/reset/chvol0 - set all channels volume to 0 %
  • /mix16apps/reset/chvol100 - set all channels volume to 100 %
  • /mix16apps/livein/mic/start - toggle start / stop live input microphone
  • /mix16apps/livein/mic/mute - toggle mute / unmute live input microphone
  • /mix16apps/livein/camera/start - toggle start / stop live input camera
  • /mix16apps/livein/camera/freeze - toggle freeze / unfreeze live input camera
  • /mix16apps/livein/camera/noshow - toggle no show / show live input camera
  • /mix16apps/lighting/scene/start <scene_number> or <scene_name> - trigger lighting scene with desired lighting scene number or name

Information sent from MiX16 macOS apps to OSC applications

Basic Info:

  • /mix16apps/appname  - sends application name and version
  • /mix16apps/projectname  - sends loaded project name
  • /mix16apps/playlist/go - sends next cue number (if playlist is in GO NEXT mode) or time (if playlist is in TIME mode)
  • /mix16apps/playlist/nextcue - sends next cue name
  • /mix16apps/playlist/playingcue - sends playing cue number, name and time

Full Info (basic info + playlist cues, audio, video and image channes and lighting scenes numbers and names):

  • /mix16apps/playlist/cue/<cue_number> <cue_name> - sends playlist cues numbers and names
  • /mix16apps/audio/ch/<ch_number> <ch_name> - sends audio channels numbers and names
  • /mix16apps/video/ch/<ch_number> <ch_name> - sends video channels numbers and names
  • /mix16apps/image/ch/<ch_number> <ch_name> - sends audio channels numbers and names
  • /mix16apps/lighting/scene/<scene_number> <scene_name> - sends lighting scenes numbers and names

MiX16 apps (macOS and iPadOS) version 7.1
or later have built-in default OSC commands for triggering playlist GO, Stop All, previous and next cue. They also automatically send information via OSC about the app version, loaded project, current playing cue and next playlist cue.

Control MiX16 apps from OSC applications

  • /mix16apps/playlist/go - trigger playlist GO button
  • /mix16apps/playlist/stopall - trigger playlist Stop All button
  • /mix16apps/playlist/prevcue - select playlist previous cue
  • /mix16apps/playlist/nextcue - select playlist next cue

Information sent from MiX16 apps to OSC applications

  • /mix16apps/playlist/info/appname - sends application name and version
  • /mix16apps/playlist/info/projectname - sends loaded project name
  • /mix16apps/playlist/info/go - sends next cue number (if playlist is in GO NEXT mode) or time (if playlist is in TIME mode) 
  • /mix16apps/playlist/info/nextcue - sends next cue name
  • /mix16apps/playlist/info/playingcue - sends playing cue number, name and time

Values are sent as OSC message arguments.

More information about OSC can be found here.