Chaser Light FX in ShowCue

Hi! First of all - I love the software. We ran an entire Two Person show with audio and light cues from an iPad with a Bluetooth midi controller. Worked perfectly! 

now for our next show in October I was wondering if it was possible to program a chase light Effect. (So basically playing a few light-scenes after each other on repeat) 

for example: 

  • step 1: red lights on for 1 second 
  • step 2: blue lights on for 1 second 
  • step 3 green lights on for 1 second
  • repeat

Is this possible with the current version? And if not - will this feature be included in future updates? 

I’m looking forward to your help - thanks in advance! 

2 replies


sorry this is not possible at the moment. We will see what we can do after summer holidays. It is a good idea and we will put it on our to-do list.



We needed something similar in a recent production. The only way we could do it was by creating the chase sequence and program it as a cue in the lighting desk and try trigering it using Mix16 Show Cue.


version 3.2 has new command - loop cues. So create three lighting cues and one command cue using command  LOOP_CUES 1,2,3 for example. Play / stop this command cue whenever needed.
