Mix16 Show Cue Fade Audio

Hi all

I know that in Mix16 Show Cue there are four simple kinds of automation from one cue to another.

However this is the scenario: I want to play one audio cue but it may be for slightly different duration (eg between scene changes) but then when I press go, for the current cue to fade elegantly and the next cue be triggered and play. Is this possible in any way?

1 reply


if i understand correctly the solution is very simple. No command cues needed.

You need to set fade out time for first cue and fade in time for second cue and also command before play to stop all audio cues for second cue as well. This means that when first cue will be playing and you will hit GO to play second cue, second cue will start fading in, force first cue to stop (command before play does this) and because first cue has fade out set it will fade out and then stop.
