The app follows 'scene selection' on the Korg nano pad.

The Korg nano pad has 'scene selection' (scene 1,2,3, and 4).
Would be great if the software follows the chosen 'scene' ,where a scene is a next tab (scene 1=button1-16, scene 2= button 17-32, etc)

TX in advance!

2 replies


interesting idea, of course it is not possible to do it in current version, but i can add MIDI Mapping for this. Please let me know which MIDI messages are displayed if you use this scene selection buttons. In the app go to MIDI section, press 1,2,3 and 4 buttons on your controller and write down MIDI text.



I will check Graga, so far I can't see midi msg's in the midi section, maybe Korg's 'scene selection' is only an internal bank-selector. I'll get back to you when I have more info on the subject (: