Como configurar para poder utilizar las Luces

hola!! llevo usando un tiempo Mix16pro y la app es perfecta, muy estable. La actualización con la posibilidad de cues de luces es una maravilla, sin embargo no estoy pudiendo configurar correctamente.

Utilizo un Enttec DMXUSB PRO, y tampoco lo estoy pudiendo hacer vía OSC con LXconsole.

Necesito ayuda, ya que me interesa seguir usando Mix16 pro, por su comodidad y posibilidades. Muchas gracias! y enhorabuena por vuestro trabajo!!

4 replies


note that this forum in in English. So please try to write in English if possible. For your post i used Google Translate, so here is your post in English and my reply bellow. Thank you.


Hello!! I've been using Mix16pro for a while and the app is perfect, very stable. The update with the possibility of cues of lights is wonderful, however I am not able to configure correctly.

I use an Enttec DMXUSB PRO, and I can not do it via OSC with LXconsole either.

I need help, as I am interested in continuing to use Mix16 pro, for its convenience and possibilities. Thank you! and congratulations for your work!

Current Lighting functionality added into MiX16 PRO supports WiFi Art-Net protocol. Which means you have to use product like: https://www.enttec.com/products/controls/ethernet/ode-mk2-open-dmx-ethernet/

For example my setup is MiX16 PRO, WiFi router with DHCP on and Enttec ODE MK2. Mac is connected to router via WiFi, Enttec is connected with LAN cable.



Hello Greg! First of all they forgive me for writing in Spanish, I know that the forum is in English, but it distracts me when writing.
Well, my setup does not accept the artnet protocol, so I'll keep waiting;)
Thank you!


in your case all you need to change is Enttec. You have usb device, you need ethernet device.


Yes I know! for the moment with the dmx-usb I'm fine, I'll look to start using artnet in the future.

Thank you so much for everything!!